Notice how this bootlicking inyenzi thinks that beating protestors (and not giving them medical attention) and cops beating protestors are somehow "brave americans", and yet despite claiming that there is no chance for any sort of civil war or coup then suggest that the United States military will refuse an order from the elected civilian leader. An *actual* coup that the military nearly did on Trump 4 years ago. You're just a Hitlerite freak who, in your pamphlet, compared Jews fighting Roman oppression in 1 AD to ISIS and implied that Jews killed Christ. What a weirdo freak.

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Interesting that you pointed out the crisis point could occur in January. I think that’s right, although I think there could be some isolated incidents prior to that.

I think we can count on a number of local and regional troubles at polling stations, some of them serious.

Where do you think and how does the existential threat manifest and metastasis? I think that’s key to understanding the size and scope of any armed conflict.

John Brown and Harper’s Ferry comes to mind. Martyrdom sparks a movement that spreads across the country.

On a much smaller scale, Ashli Babbit became a rallying cry for some J6 insurrectionists.

If you let your imagination wander a little, how about; hostages taken in Maricopa County for a recount, Cobb County locks out election workers, Michigan Sheriff arrests local election officials, you get the idea.

It’s an understatement that October 2024 to January 2025 is going to be intense. It’s truly unfortunate that “the rule of law” has taken such a beating in the last decade.

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LOL. We should move swing state voting locations and election counting to buildings next to strip clubs..that will distract MAGA.

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I loved every minute of this.

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Good stuff, as usual!

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