No shit the fascist candidate is trying to create some sort of fascist circus based on comic "books". Luckily Trump is going to win and throw him in prison for being a Hitlerite.

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Funny... At 64 years old, I suddenly feel kung fu-ish. Who knew?

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My God this is so good, and about the only thing giving me hope right now. Indeed, in November, everybody will be Kung Fu fighting. Seeing the Democrats overperform in every election since the Roe v. Wade debacle gives me hope that when we have the chance, we will repudiate Trump back to the stone ages. The only thing I fear, truly, is that when Joe kicks Trump's ass at the ballot box in an undeniable way, critical GOP states will have those hold outs who will not certify the election results. Then what? The stacked SCOTUS throws it to the House of Representatives? Will we stand for that? How do we fight that very real possibility? Ballot box kung fu only goes so far when there are recalcitrant state election officials intent on gumming up the works. (See, I'm back to cowering and staring blindly into the corner.) ::sigh::

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I do hope to goodness that this works out. If ballot is the only remaining option of beating back the Trumpist barbarians from crashing the gates of our system, we need to be optimistic about it.

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Let’s hope that king-fu fist lands below the belt!

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I guess I should’ve been reading Iron Fist during my peak comic book consumption. Well, this theory makes as much sense as anything in 2024. And as the old Bat says, “this isn’t a mud pit…this is an operating table.” The political cemetery is full of hotshots who underestimated Old Joe.

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And as for November, I really like to paraphrase Gore Vidal. “We have a very informed electorate. They may not know where Gaza is, but they certainly known where their genitals are.” Please inform the hysterics that yes, you remember 2016, and this ain’t 2016.

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