The bottom line is (as it so often is) the bottom line. And the line hereis this: The Biden/Harris ticket has a campaign war chest of about $2B that's been four years in the building. Legally, no other candidate can access that money -- or, in fact, has any money they can legally use for a federal campaign. Any candidate who's not one of those two would have to raise a couple billion bucks from scratch in the next four months -- realistically, in the next four weeks.

That's not happening. Period. Booting Biden for anybody but Harris would basically shut down the party's financial ability to run anyone this year. It would be effectively taking the D line off the ballot, and handing the race to Trump.

All these supposedly smart pundits who are discussing a candidate switch are just revealing that they know nothing about how campaign finance law works. This is locked in. There is no turning back.

And Harris cannot win. The ONLY Democrat on the scene who we know can beat Trump is Joe Biden. We're stuck with the best Dem president we've had since FDR, boo effing hoo for us. Time to suck it up and go out and win this thing.

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Gimme Kamala and her complete sentences thank you

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Well said, Sara👍🏼💙

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The one thing Harris would have said in the debate that Joe didn't:

"Well, Donald, since the moderators won't call you out on your lies, I will. That is a lie. You know that's a lie, I know that's a lie, the American public knows that's a lie". ... and then smoothly move on to answer whatever question was actually asked of her.

CNN put the fix in for Trump, and no one should be surprised that Biden didn't "win". He didn't win because the format was specifically designed to prevent it.

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This has gone nuclear silly in a little over 24 hours. You forgot to calculate that the reaction to the debate by the Beltway Media Royalty is the biggest overreaction ever with each pundit seeking to one up each other with a doomscrolling hot take and that it’s June and plenty will happen between now and November. The Democrats will not replace or challenge Biden. Gov. Newsom and VP Harris made that clear. And Biden will win.

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My Present Self is Calling To My Future Self to go to Sleep Right Now…So I have 2Morrow to come back and Read This w/ a Non-Sleepy Mind! But So Far…I LIKE HOW YOU THINK!

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I appreciate your insight…and your sense of humor. Thank you.

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