Who am I?

I’m Cassidy Steele Dale, a professional futurist of almost 30 years.

I worked for churches for a while as a futurist. Now I work for the United States Government as a futurist and as an advisor on religious conflict.

I hold a Master of Science in Studies of the Future (University of Houston - Clear Lake, 1996) and I’m a member of the Association of Professional Futurists.

I’ve written some stuff and done some stuff… some of which you’ll see here.

What is this newsletter?

I’m writing to equip you with the forecasts, foresight skills and perspectives, and tools you may need to create a better, kinder world. In these newsletters I’ll…

  • forecast in order to warn or to point out opportunities ahead;

  • explain a change that’s under way so you can understand it and plan for it; 

  • demonstrate and teach a futurist skill – or how a futurist thinks – on a topic so you can learn to do it yourself;

  • subvert, thwart, or deflate conflict because the future needs everyone alive, educated, contributing, and kind; and

  • explain the internal narratives someone may hold because if you understand someone’s internal narrative you can forecast some of their behavior.

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A futurist forecasts and contextualizes the present to help us all create a better, kinder future.