Cassidy Steele Dale writes to equip you with the forecasts, foresight skills and perspectives, and tools you may need to create a better, kinder world.
And one of those ways is to give you some late Christmas presents.
Gang, I’m working on some pieces for us that will take me a while longer to write.
In the meantime, look, I forgot a few of your Christmas gifts. I hid them in the front closet, which meant I hid them from myself. So I’m not going to wrap them at this point. But here they are:
In case you need some peace-and-diddly-dang-quiet after the mayhem of Christmas, here’s Patrick (a professional barber) arriving to the shop a half hour ahead of his first client for the day:
In case you need five minutes of a redneck trying a form of candy corn that’s an abomination before the Lord:
In case you need a different recipe, though, for something that looks like it should be terrible but is actually fantastic (I’ve made it. It’s good but I need more practice and more green onions):
And in case you need a reason to look — up in the sky:
Merry Belated Christmas, everybody. See you next week.
Happy Boxing Day, which I think should be held as the celebration of cleaning up all the Christmas wrapping paper, etc., from the floor.
Happy Boxing Day! Thank you ever so for the abominable candy corn video... which sounds like it should be a stop-action Thanksgiving movie from the 70s.